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There's no doubt our dogs have brought us closer to nature and the environment. Daily walks through the seasons over the years have helped us fully appreciate the beauty that surrounds us and how we are connected.

Everyone wants to minimise the amount of stuff they buy and their waste. As a responsible dog owner you'll be thinking about what makes a dog bed eco friendly or low impact. And likely be searching for the most sustainable bed for your dog.

The ideal would be a dog bed that lasts an adult dog's whole life. A long lasting dog bed that avoids synthetics as much as possible and that maintains a comfortable shape and supportive structure over time. An eco bed that gives a restful deep sleep night after night.

Snoozing away in a denim dog bed:

comfy denim dog bed for boxer

We designed Hindquarters dog beds to last as long as possible. They should last a lifetime but that does depend on your dog's nature and breed and lifestyle.

We live in a multi dog home and the dog beds we currently use for our own dogs - Stick a Boxer and Fog a Lab mix - are 5 years old.

We use denim covers and wash them maybe once a month, more so in winter when there is mud around. We put down old towels when they chew bones. The covers are fading but still in good tact and the structure still works, with the bolster providing support and comfort.

A dog bed that lasts will help you minimise the number of dog beds you'll buy over the years. Hindquarters dog beds provide consistent comfort over time from durable fabrics that are unlikely to rip or tear and are slow to wear. The dog beds are tough and durable, and hard-wearing enough to put up with digging, circling and years of being plonked down on.

Quality materials and construction helps `Hindquarters dog beds maintain their shape and supportive structure over time. A firm chunky bolster in an oval shape gives your dog something supportive to rest up against.

Spare or replacement dog bed covers help prolong dog bed usage. And if the worst happens, we've got a free repair service on any rips or tears that might somehow occur. Just send us a chewed dog bed cover and we'll patch it and send it back within the week.

Removable dog bed covers:

dog bed with removable covers

Our dog beds are made locally from tough but kind and comfy materials, comfy to lie on they give a deep restful sleep. At the end of their life our dog beds are reusable or recyclable, made with minimum impact and cost to the environment. Hindquarters dog bed covers are made from natural materials and so compostable or reusable. And our inner dog beds are recyclable.

We actively think about ways to minimise our impact and reuse things and have recently launched Hindquarters Stuff It Yourself dog beds. They are dog beds in the classic Hindquarters shape and supportive structure, but that you stuff yourself with old clothes and jumpers.

Stuffing a dog bed with old socks:

eco dog bed

This way your dog will be laying on a bed that smells of their favourite person in the whole wide world. Your dog literally gets to be with you all the time.

Plus it's a more sustainable option for a dog bed that helps you recycle your wardrobe and reduce waste. We provide the dog beds skins, made from thick soft natural fabrics for the ultimate sleep surface. You stuff the dog bed with your old clothes and jumpers. They snooze the day away in ultimate bliss.

 sustainable dog bed with firm bolster